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Elder Jennifer Gray

Elder Jennifer Gray is a native of Georgia. She was born in Greensboro, Georgia, where she was also raised. In 2002 she moved to Decatur, Georgia to pursue a nursing degree and live life according to her own terms.


However, early in her journey she encountered the Living God. She was born again and this encounter birthed in her a desire to pursue God. Hunger for God and His word became a catalyst to developing a life of prayer.


Elder Jennifer believes that pursuit of God's presence and seeking to know Him should be the foundation of a lasting relationship with God. She believes that one of her primary assignments in the earth is to stand in the gap and pray on behalf of others. She knows she is called to those who will House the Spirit of Prayer and will train, equip, and activate intercessors. 


Elder Jennifer has served in various areas of ministry but has always maintained a heart for prayer. She has served as Lead Intercessor at Redeeming Love Christian Church over the last several years. She was ordained as an Elder in the Lord's Church in April 2023.


One of Elder Jennifer's mantras regarding prayer is that if people knew the impact that their prayers were making in the realm of the spirit they would never stop.


Elder Jennifer and her husband Aaron have been married for 17 years. Together they are raising 4 beautiful children, Olivia, Arianna, Aaron II, and Caleb. 

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Learn More about the Born For the Middle Encounter

If you could see the impact your prayers were making in the realm of the would NEVER stop! 

Jennifer Gray

Copyright © 2023 — Jennifer Gray | All Rights Reserved.

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